Tuesday, 8 December 2009

On Saturday, I went to Coventry and Stratford-Upon-Avon. I did both in one day, which was really not a good idea because it wore me out entirely, because they are both around three or more hours from Bristol, but only an hour and a half away from each other, and it costs much less for a bus between the two cities than for train tickets to each individually from Bristol. It took a bit of planning, but I managed to get what I needed from both places on the same day.
The train to Coventry is over three hours, so I was going to be leaving around 7 in the morning, but unfortunately that's about when I woke up. Luckily I caught the 8:00 and it really ended up not making much of a difference, because I got done sooner than I thought I would.
Now Coventry is the most normal-looking town I have been to so far, in that it's not a very touristy place to go. The reason I was there was the Holy Trinity Church, which contains a Last Judgment painting that I wanted to see for my thesis. Just across the street from it is the Coventry Cathedral, which, I have to say, is one of the most amazing places I have been to yet, aside from Wells Cathedral. First of all, it's a modern building, which is amazing in and of itself after all these weeks of Medieval churches. Also, it's built on the ruins of the original Coventry Cathedral, some of which is still standing, because the whole city was pretty much done in during one of the WW's (I don't remember which). This fact is also what accounts for Coventry looking more like a city that I'm used to, since most of it is fairly new in comparison to everything I've seen so far.
In any case, there really isn't much else to see (in my case, anyway) except for those two churches, so once I got done there I moved on to Stratford-Upon-Avon.
Here are some pictures, the first seven are from the Coventry Cathedral: two of the outside (that massive statue is of the archangel Michael defeating Satan), one of the ruins from the original cathedral, and four from the inside of the new part. The next three are from the Holy Trinity Church, which was actually so poorly lit that I had a hard time documenting the Judgment Day painting. My cellphone actually worked better than my digital camera, but these are what I have on my camera of the building.

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