Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Suspension Bridge

Alright, so I said that I would put up some pictures several days ago, and that obviously never happened. Sorry. But I'm doing it now, and I have some pictures from my trip to London as well, so hopefully that makes up for it.
First off, pictures from the suspension bridge and observatory:

This is someone using a phone booth. Also, it's a cute little red phone booth like I always see in movies, so I wanted to capture it.

This is the bridge itself. It's very cool-looking, and also apparently very well-used, since I'm pretty sure we aggravated several people with our picture taking who were just trying to get into town. By the way, I have no idea what's on the other side of this bridge. We only noticed the observatory once we were on the bridge, so we went back to look at it instead of seeing where the bridge actually went. Oh well.

Both of these are the view off the side of the bridge. Yes, there actually is water in that river, just very little of it. We would have gotten pictures from the other side of the bridge as well, but there was some construction going on and we were only allowed on one side. It was basically the exact same as what you're currently looking at, just with less buildings.

What you have here is, first off, the observatory as seen from the suspension bridge. We just noticed a castle-looking thing in the distance and decided to see what it was, it wasn't until we got there that we found out it was an observatory. The whole area around it is like a park, as well. The second picture is the suspension bridge as viewed from the observatory.

This is just a closer view of the castle. I have no idea what it's for or why it's there, and all the doors are locked and/or blocked off, but at least it looks nice.

The hill the castle thing was on had one side made up of really smooth rocks, so kids were using it as a slide. I wanted to do it, too, but the people I was with said it would seem weird for a grown person to join in with a bunch of kids.

Lastly, it's me! You remember me, right? Sorry I'm a bit small and awkward looking. It was super cold out on this day, and all of us had the sniffles by the time we got back. At least I got to see more of the area, though.
Next up is going to be my day trip to London that I went on this past Saturday. A whole group of people went, but I spent most of my time with Mary, Bethany, Arthur (Russia), and Jan (whose name, I just found out, is actually spelled "Jorn" with two dots over the "o", but I think it'll be easier here if I just right it out how it sounds). It was good times, and also really tiring since we walked for several hours. However, Mary and Bethany spent about a month backpacking around Europe before school, so they were totally leaving me and the guys in their dust, but it was still fun to run around with everyone.

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